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What Makes Us So Special?
Custom earplug lab
  • In-house Swishear Lab

  • Premium mesh and membrane acoustic filter technology 

  • High resolution, bio-compatible resins formulated specifically for otoplastics

  • Hypoallergenic

  • Minimal lead time 

  • Local, family business

  • Australian owned and operated

  • Unique design and customisation process

  • Personalisation available

  • Precise acoustic mass for every vented earplug

  • Shore A 50 hardness (soft and flexible for optimum acoustic seal and comfort)

  • Increased speech clarity (PRO SERIES)

  • Reduced heat/sweat due to airflow in the canal (Filtered models)

  • CE, ANSI, and AUS/NZ certification


By incorporating our own custom plug manufacturing into our service offering, Swishear by BEJA unlocks an unprecedented degree of adaptability and quality control rarely seen in the industry. We manufacture your custom ear plugs direct from your 3D ear model using a high resolution resin specifically formulated for otoplastics, while most other manufacturers create a mould from the 3D model and then cast the ear plug from silicone – this extra step may introduce potential handling inaccuracies which can result in a less comfortable fit, or poorer acoustic seal. While direct manufacturing using bio-compatible, surgical grade resins is in fact a more time consuming and costly process, it ensures our products are of the highest possible standard.


We combine this process with high quality DEC mesh and membrane filters to deliver premium, top performing products to our customers.


On the topic of premium products, it's important to recognise that not all custom ear plugs are created equal! Less sophisticated filter technology, such as tube filters, and filterless/solid products, including “instant fit custom plugs” are so vastly different in performance characteristics that comparing them is almost impossible. Rest assured, Swishear by BEJA earplugs are guaranteed to perform as intended, providing the protection your ears deserve.



Universal Fit Earplugs
Swishear by BEJA
Swishear by BEJA | Universal fit earplugs

When something is better than nothing - a limited range of mesh filtered, universal fit hearing protection 

Custom Made Earplugs
Swishear by BEJA
Swishear by BEJA | Custom made earplugs with acoustic filters

Custom made earplugs for all occasions - Swim, Sleep, Fly, Office, Cinema, Moto, Music, Shooting, Gardening, DIY, Heavy Industry, Food Industry, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Kids

DEC Replacement Filters
Swishear by BEJA
Swishear by BEJA | Acoustic filters for custom earplugs

Replacement filters from the DR Series, DI Series, DIM Series and DM Pro Series. Order per ear

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